Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Introduction to this blog

Yep, I've started a blog. But in no way I'm new to blogging. Previously, I've created blogs like Polywj's Photos (to showcase my photos) and Malaysia News Archive (a collection of news articles that I find significant). I've also a private blog named Polywj's Diary - private in the sense that many people wouldn't have access to it... sorry.

However, I would certainly like to share certain happenings in my life with those concerned about me, so I'm looking forward to Blogger implementing a feature that would allow a certain blog entry to be either public or private. In other words, if Blogger comes to implement this, certain entries from my diary will be "declassified" for public scrutiny... while others will remain protected under my version of the OSA.

Since I have at least 3 blogs, what I'm going to do with this blog? Rest assured, there will be no overlapping of content. Each blog will have its own unique content. In this blog, I plan to write about my opinions, discoveries and anything that interests me, hence this blog's motto "What matters to me." I haven't decided what I would write on my next post, but I'm determined to share with everyone the things I promised earlier as soon as inspiration strikes.

While thinking of what to write, I will continue to improve on the design of this blog. For those interested to know, the design of this blog is an adapted form of Invention by SD Workz (thanks to you and OSWD).

That's all for now.

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